Apart from my opening statement, I do hope that this post makes you laugh a little, or a lot.
So what do you do when you are truly fed up supporting Corporate Agri-Business. People who could care less about the welfare of any of the animals they farm: And are only interested in generating huge profits, regardless of the cruelty they inflict upon any of the farm animals they keep. Then I would like to mention the low grade products filled with antibiotics and/or stress hormones that they then send to market for all of us to consume?

Now, for all of you wannabe Urban Chicken Ranchers, please think long and hard before you take on "this" responsibility. Chickens are intelligent, happy and funny little critters that need a lot of your attention and protection. I do not condone keeping chickens locked up during daylight hours. If you cannot provide them with a protected yard to frolic in all day,


DISCIPLINING YOUR CHICKENS (sort of like kids and puppies:)
I have had to intervene as mother hen and put them in their place. Sounds weird, but if you have a relationship with a chicken you can do this simply by putting your hand over their back, saying no and gently pushing them to the ground for a second or two. Not hard as their skeletal system is fairly fragile. They get the message and make a little squawk of protest, but it usually does the trick.
Here are some links to Chicken Houses (coops)
http://www.freechickencoopplans.com/ this link will link you to many other sites
Your Urban Chickens will need a very secure, safe, warm and dry place to sleep at night as the city is full of night time predators - Raccoons love chicken! One more time, Raccoons love chicken! And if you do decide to raise chickens from hatch-lings

Our chickens are fed all manner of table scraps and are especially fond of fresh corn,

Chickens need a well balanced diet, high in calcium for egg laying girls. We feed them back their egg shells, washed and dried thoroughly before grinding to prevent salmonella.

There are some excellent organic commercial products that you can buy. We enjoy the trip to the Half Moon Bay feed store where they have organic vegetarian laying crumble. But mostly, I make my own feed from organic human grade grains from Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco.
All breeds of chickens need twice as much water as they do food. So do be sure to place several water bowls around for them to drink. Apparently they forget to drink unless water is within sight.
So come and meet my girls; Hewey, Louie and Dewey, the Three Wise Hens:- Their antics are very amusing and as you can see, they get along just fine with their dogs, Loki (black) and Sydney (red), who have raised and protected them.

Fabulous Karen! I love the pictures. You are amazing.
These are the happiest chickens I have seen anywhere! Congratulations on a beautiful blog, Karen!