Leaf Type - Potato
Time to Maturity - 65 days

Russian origin. In Russia the Trifele varieties of tomatoes (of which there are several colors) are highly prized and command high prices. This short potato leaf plant yields prolific quantities of 6 oz. fruit that looks like a beautiful mahogany-colored Bartlett pear with greenish shoulders. Very tasty flesh with a meaty core that produces luscious fruit all summer long. A work of art sliced out on a plate and a wonderful flavor that possesses an extraordinairy rich and complex flavors. The Black Trifele is one of the blackest varieties available and is resistant to cracking.

Seems to like the south facing wall from a growing perspective. This was one of our first tomato producing plants. None have ripened as of mid August, 2009, but the plant is full of very pretty pear shaped green tomatoes. Even as a decoration, I would have this again in my garden. As of September 25, 2009 I can say that this is one of the most fabulous tomatoes that I have ever tasted and grown. This is truly a trooper tomato that has endured wild temperature swings and also very low temperatures at the same time as high winds. Finally, results as of this time are a prolific amount of fantastic, sweet, robust and beautiful fruit - I would highly recommend this fruit.
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