The goal of this blog is to educate, encourage and entertain fellow Urban Gardeners; your comments and suggestion are encouraged to make this blog a better place to visit.

Our focus is Heirloom Tomatoes and Urban Chickens, but we will also add posts on other fruits, vegetables and gardening ideas as we see relevant.

All of the photographs are my own photography, and can be used; please give me a photo credit. You can also purchase full-sized images.

To see what I really do for a living when I am not in my garden visit my business website and blog


"The wise one"


I have been growing much of my own 100% organic, fresh food in my Brisbane CA (a few miles south of San Francisco) garden for almost 10 years now – This is the summer of 2009 and we have 31 different Heirloom Tomato plants that we are going to be reviewing (that means munching) and then sharing the information. Much of your success with Tomatoes will definitely depend on the weather.

We have three truly free-ranging hens, Hewey, Louie and Dewey - "the three wise hens" who do lots of their own gardening as well as supply us with eggs and organic garden fertilizer. They are also wonderful weeders. Their antics will entertain you in the following pages.

Also in our Urban Garden we grow apricots, peaches, five varieties of apples, Asian pears, figs, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, pepino melons, lemons, limes, oranges, cherries, grapes, tunas (prickly pears), passionfruit, onions, beans, English peas, cucumber, tomatillos, kale, arugula, a variety of peppers and potatoes.

Our herb collection includes:- parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, Italian and Greek oregano, three different varieties of basil, lemon balm, bee balm, lemon verbena, orange mint, peppermint and spearmint.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


CORNE DE BOUC (Goats Horn)(D) 
French Black Pear 5” Long
Leaf Type -Potato
No known notes on growing on any source on the internet - help!?

This is an EXTREMELY RARE Tomato. Go ahead and look it up on the internet. Let us all know if you have any information. I first came upon this Heirloom from Flora Grubb last year. This was not a remarkable tomato in my garden. It produced a small amount of impressive looking tomatoes. They were very pretty, but quite unremarkable in flavor. We have tried again, more out of curiosity than anything else. The plant location, soil and temperature situation are all different. This plant looked pretty paltry early on, but produced fruit in about May. June and July cool conditions made the plant look horrible. Can you say super wilt. Water did not help. There are a few tomatoes on the plant in the middle of August, and the plant is starting to look decent!!! Let's see. As this is such a rare plant, I am determined to see what we can do to get a few decent tomatoes for posterity and a few good photographs at least. Maybe this is why this plant is so rare. Will keep you posted on this one. It is really a pretty specimen.

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